Why I chose Pilates
When it comes to health and wellness, I believe in a preventative over cure approach to health, focusing on long-term well-being rather than temporary fixes. Upon discovering the profound benefits of Pilates, I was amazed at how simple, movements could heal chronic pain, strengthen the body, and even positively influence organ function just to name a few benifits. I have always wanted to have a meaningful career that helped people in a deep way, everything before pilates I did enjoy and found the good in, but it just didn’t stick with me. As soon as I read about Pialtes and its life-changing practice I wanted to study every bit of it and share it with others as I knew it was something i wanted to commit to as it was life changing just from a few simple movements.
Align Pilates is a space not driven by asthetic desires or body trends. It's a grounded, practical method of movement that helps you build a strong, healthy body from the inside out. Health isn't defined by appearance that is different to everyone, its defined by how you feel which resonates the same with everyone and what matters most. While the path to wellness is unique for each individual, the feeling and underlying principles remain the same and this is achieved by honouring your body, tuning into its needs a committing to a lifelong practice of self-care.
My role is to help you to create a space for awareness, where discomforts, aches, and pains become valuable sources of insight. Through mindful movement, you'll learn to understand what feels right for your body, and when to gradually build toward a place of fluidity, alignment, strength, and a deeper mind-body connection. This awareness will empower you to listen to your body and create harmony, so you can give it what it needs to thrive.
Your body speaks to you every day. To maintain a healthy body, all you have to do is listen. You live with yourself, so it’s essential to honour that natural connection. A holistic approach to health means acknowledging not only the positive aspects of your body but also the areas that need attention. Only through this balance can true well-being be achieved.